Contributors in alphabetical order
Incoming Assistant Professor, Swarthmore College (2022)
Bulletin editor and website manager
Itzue earned her BS and Ms degrees in Mexico, where she is from. She moved to the US to pursue a PhD at the University of Washington in Seattle. She loves traveling and learning new things, especially about the natural world. In her free time she likes hiking, biking, cooking and crafting.
Jonathan J. FONG
Assistant professor of the Science Unit at Lingnan University
Jonathan is interested in evolutionary biology, conservation, and herpetology (study of amphibians and reptiles). In his free time, he likes to play sports, cook, and travel. Some of my accomplishments have been to complete a marathon and an ultra-trail run (66km), and ride a bicycle from SF to LA, but I am most proud of becoming a dad!
Research assistant
Amy earned her bachelor's degree in Zoology at Newcastle University (UK) in 2017. She is now working as a research assistant at the Science Unit at Lingnan University. She will start an MPhil degree in the Environmental Science Program at Lingnan in 2021. She wishes to become a Kung Fu master and is teaching little kids Kung Fu. Much like a grandma, she loves drinking tea, reading books about nature, cuddling her cats, painting, practicing Taichi and living an effortless life. “Slow is fast” is her favorite quote.
Project Engineer at the Office of Service Learning at Lingnan University.
Brian did his undergraduate degree in mathematics at Kent State University, Ohio, USA. He earned his Masters degree in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. This is not the first time he collaborates with biologists. His wife is also a biologist. So they spend a lot of time outside in nature.
Research assistant at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory
Zi Yi is a research assistant interested in aquatic ecology. In her free time, she enjoys reading, listening to music, watching dramas and of course, diving. Her favourite holidays are dive holidays, where she can be surrounded by the beautiful marine life all day, and relax by the beach in the evenings, enjoying the sea breeze with a cold drink in her hand. Her favourite supplement is Vitamin Sea .
Ivan LAM
MPhil student and writer
Ivan earned his Bachelor of Science degree (Major: Ecology & Biodiversity) at Hong Kong University in 2015. He is currently a M. Phil student in the Environmental Science Program at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. He is interested in wildlife observation and photography. In his free time, he loves rambling in the woods no matter day or night, as long as there are animals nearby. He always want to have a nice boat ride but he gets seasick every time. When out of the field, he kills his time by lots of animations and YouTube.
Research assistant
Julia graduated from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Majoring in Biological Science) in 2017. She started working at the Lingnan University as research assistant in Spring 2020. Before joining the team, she used to work in a wildlife rescue center in Hong Kong. She is interested in everything related to reptiles, including their ecology and physiology. In her leisure time, she enjoys spending time with her 6 pet turtles at home.
Jia Huan LIEW
Postdoctoral fellow
Jia Huan is a freshwater ecologist with an interest in all things aquatic. In his free time, he enjoys scuba-diving, travelling, and reading. He also has questionable taste in music, and enjoys guilty pleasures from the 80s and 90s, with artists such as Queen, The Smiths, and Aerosmith topping his playlists
Professor of Teaching and Head of the Science Unit and the Director of Core Curriculum and General Education
Mark has conducted ecological research on behavioral, community, and evolutionary ecology of animals and plants. More recently he has focused on increasing the scientific literacy and environmental awareness of both university students and the general public. He is happiest when exploring the world, both above and below the water, so he is anxious to be able to hit the trail again as soon as conditions allow. He has survived the lockdown by becoming more active (lots of hiking in the nearby hills) and closely following American sports such as NBA basketball (L.A. Lakers Champions!), Major League Baseball (L. A. Dodgers Champions) and American football (all of his favorite teams stink now!).
Desmond TAN
Research assistant
Desmond is a final year student majoring in English in Lingnan University. He is interested in a wide variety of subjects, including English literature, cultural studies and ecology, particularly animal behaviors. In his free time, he loves going to the movies, lots and lots of video games and photography. He is also into quirky and nerdy subjects such as Star-Wars, Pokemon etc., but he certainly would not dare claim to be an expert in any of these fields.
Director, Wildlife and Wetlands at WWF Hong Kong.
Eric spent over 20 years at WWF US, as a Senior Conservation Scientist, providing WWF’s field programmes with technical assistance, which gave him an opportunity to travel to, and experience many of Asia’s wild places, from the alpine grasslands of the Himalayas to the backwaters of the Mekong River. Eric’s interests include hiking, kayaking, diving. He also enjoys reading and building radio-controlled model aircraft; a childhood passion he has re-discovered! He is especially happy that he has been able to influence his two daughters to join him on his outdoor activities, and getting his wife to join is a challenge that he is still working on!
Art & design group founded by Chee Yee Tsui and Aimee Mak
&dear are designers that envision animals and humans living in harmony and respect, and encourage the public to explore nature with them through their work. Doing illustrations, painting murals and creating upcycled art installations are some of their favorite kinds of projects. Chee Yee loves reading animal books and watching wildlife documentaries since childhood; Aimee enjoys discovering nature with friends out in the wild. https://www.anddear.com
Contact the Herpetology Collection
Mailing address
Room LCH116, 1/F
Lau Chung Him Building
Lingnan University
8 Castle Peak Road
Tuen Mun, New Territories
Hong Kong

Direct contact
If you have a question about the collection or an inquiry about a specimen loan, please fill in the form or send an email to lingnancollection@ln.edu.hk. We will reply to you as soon as possible.